Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Day of school

Welcome back to school everyone and welcome to the blog for this class. I suggest all of you check this blog daily and I also suggest you follow the blog. It also links to a facebook account and Twitter account.

This will be an interesting year. We have nearly 700 more students than we did last year, we are only about 80 students from capacity at Birmingham. Needless to say then, all classes will be full. Because of this I will need your cooperation more than ever. With so many students in my class it can easily get very rowdy and noisy, that will be unacceptable. So I ask all of you to respect your fellow students, the classroom and of course me. Please act like the young adults you all are. :)

We will have a lot of fun this year. You will learn a lot and will have fun doing it.

If you need to speak to me about anything please feel free to always stop by and talk.

Mr. Woody

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