Monday, August 29, 2011

Talking in Class

Good morning or afternoon, depending on when you are reading this in class or at home.

I decided I should address the excessive talking that goes on in the class while I am speaking. To put it simply, it must stop and stop now.

I am sure some of you took this class because you thought it was just a easy "play time" for 56 minutes and that I would not care much about it. Well, I do. I have had to turn away many students who would like to take this class but it is too filled up. But I am happy to remove any of you who do not want to be here.

Last year was a bit easier as I had classes as small as 9 students, 9! Needless to say, it was a tad easier to manage. This year, however, each class is at least 45 students and without some type of order, there will be chaos and that is not acceptable.

As long as you follow the simple rule of not speaking while I am speaking we will have a great time in this class and I guarantee you will learn a lot!!

Thank you,
Mr. Woody

PS, on a good note, I want to commend you all on keeping the classroom clean. You have certainly respected my wishes in picking up after yourselves and being responsible young adults. Thank you!!!

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