Final Project
“Running a Design Company”
Project Overview:
I will select 5 people to be the CEO of a newly formed Design Company. The CEO will be in charge of selecting their “employees” for the team. There is a max of 10 employees per team. The CEO will be responsible for meetings with The Client (me) and will be responsible for maintaining the timeline and delegating duties to the team. The project will consist of multiple parts that will be discussed below.
Team Members (employees):
We will set aside one day for the CEOs to interview for their team members. By the end of the day the CEO must create a Google document and save it to the Employee Records folder that includes the name of the company, the employee names, and the name of the CEO on it. The file should be named YourCompanyName. Here is a sample document in Googles docs I created here.
Setting up Google Folders:
The CEO is responsible for setting up and uploading all documents to Google Docs. As the CEO you need to set up your folders on Google as follows: (the folders in red need to be created by the CEO)
- Graphics Arts Class
- Period 1
- Design Company
- Company Named Folder
- Employee Records
- Company Logo
- Company Web Site
- Clients
- Client Name
- Comps
- Finals
Company Projects:
Logo Design: Your team must create a colored logo for your design company. It can be anything you want it to be. No restrictions. It can be hand drawn initially but must ultimately be created and finished in Photoshop. The logo specs are:
Document Size: 6 inches X 6 inches at 100 DPI.
File Type: Final file should be uploaded as a Photoshop (PSD) file.
Design Specs: If you use a font in your logo, you must include the font name in the description of your logo. If you use colors, I also require that you list the color numbers that you used to create the logo.
Web Site Design: You will design a web site that will help promote your company. Do not forget to keep it in the same style and fashion of your logo, including colors. You will design a minimum of 3 pages of the site, Home, About and Contact.
Document Size: 800 pixels x 1000 pixels at 72 DPI
File Type: Final file should be uploaded as a Photoshop (PSD) file.
Design Specs: You must list all fonts used in your site design as well as all colors used.
Contact Page
Firing Employees:
Firing The CEO:
Important Dates:
Project #4
11/02/2011 - Upload onto Google Docs into the "Comps2" folder a single JPEG file with your name, your hero name, and your comps that we decided you would work on. minimum of 2 comps of this logo.
It should look something like this (file should be 8 x 11, 72 dpi):
Project #3
Client Design: Each team’s CEO will meet with me and I will give each team a design project I need to have created. Each team will have a different project to work on and different items that need to be created and turned in. Those details will be given to the CEO at our initial meeting.
Firing Employees:
As the CEO of your company you are responsible for making sure that all of your employees are working and doing the job they were assigned to do. If, as a CEO, you determine that one or more of your employees is not doing the job that you assigned them, you have the power to have them “fired” from your team. In the case of this happening, the CEO, the Employee and I will meet to discuss the problem. I may accept the firing immediately or I may issue a first and only warning to the employee to SHAPE UP. If the employee ends up being fired from the team they will receive an “F” for the project.
Firing The CEO:
If the company decides that the CEO is not doing his or her job, that person can be removed by a two-thirds majority vote from the team members. As with the firing of an employee, a representative of the employees, the CEO and I will meet to discuss the issue. I will determine if the CEO needs to be removed or given a one-time warning. If it is determined that the CEO is not fulfilling the responsibilities required of their position, they will be fired and will receive an “F” on the project.
Important Dates:
11/14/2011: Select CEOs for each class
11/15/2011: Folders to be created in Google
11/15/2011: Team member list uploaded to Google Docs folder
11/16/2011: Initial meetings with CEO and Mr. Woody
12/02/2011: Company Logo and Web Site design Due
12/12/2011: Client project Due
Project #4
Super Hero Logo
Date Due: 11-08-2011
Date Assigned: 10-18-2011
Location: You will be given class time each day this week to work on this project.
Using Photoshop you will create a Super Hero logo for yourself.
Solo Project: No Teams
Due Dates:
10/19/2011 - Upload onto Google Docs into the "Names and Powers" folder a JPEG file with your name, your hero name, and your list of 5 powers.
It should look like this (file should be 5 x 7 inches, 72 dpi):
10/25/2011 - Upload onto Google Docs into the "Comps" folder a single JPEG file with your name, your hero name, and 5 comps for your logo ideas.
It should look something like this (file should be 8 x 11, 72 dpi):
Solo Project: No Teams
You will design a logo for your Super-Hero-Alter-Ego self. Your usage of shapes, forms or letters for your logo must visually communicate, support, and convey the ideas about your super powers and extraordinary attributes. You must use at least one of your Initials. You can not spell out your name.
-Pick a super hero identity for your self
-Choose at least 5-8 one-word descriptions about your super hero identity.
(initials, powers, physical attributes, ideas, personality, arch enemies, motives, etc...)
-Taking the one-word descriptions, think of images and shapes that represent the word
then combine the different shapes and images to create different logo compositions (comps)
Due Dates:
10/19/2011 - Upload onto Google Docs into the "Names and Powers" folder a JPEG file with your name, your hero name, and your list of 5 powers.
It should look like this (file should be 5 x 7 inches, 72 dpi):
Billy Woody
"Wonder Woody"
- Super strength
- Ability to talk to animals
- Flight
- Bend space and time
- Invisibility
- Speed
10/25/2011 - Upload onto Google Docs into the "Comps" folder a single JPEG file with your name, your hero name, and 5 comps for your logo ideas.
It should look something like this (file should be 8 x 11, 72 dpi):
After your first comps are turned in we will discuss in class the best direction to continue in. For the next few days you are then to work on that one logo to clean it up.
It should look something like this (file should be 8 x 11, 72 dpi):
11/08/2011 - Upload onto Google Docs into the "Final Logo" folder a single JPEG file with your name, your hero name, and your one final logo.
It should look something like this (file should be 8 x 11, 72 dpi):
Project #3
“Independent Band Poster”
Team Project
Important Dates:
9-20-2011 - Form Teams
Date Assigned: 8-26-2011
Team Project
Date Due: 10-3-2011
Date Assigned: 9-19-2011
Location: You will be given class time each day this week to work on this project.
Using Photoshop, you are to design a band poster for another team that will be posing as a band, in turn they will do the same for your team.
As the band you are to decide on a band name, the type of music you play (genre) and the decade from which you are playing. If you like, as the "band" you can instead put on a music festival with several bands but you must supply all of the band information to the design team.
Team Size: 2 members
As the band you are to decide on a band name, the type of music you play (genre) and the decade from which you are playing. If you like, as the "band" you can instead put on a music festival with several bands but you must supply all of the band information to the design team.
Team Size: 2 members
Detailed Instructions:
- Size: Poster should be 8 1/2 X 11 inches (US paper size)
- Resolution: 72 DPI
- Extra Credit: Include photos of the band members in the poster
Your poster should contain at least the following information:
- Time of event
- Location of event (city, state)
- Venue (like The Staples Center)
- Name of The Band.
Important Dates:
9-20-2011 - Form Teams
9-21-2011 - Names of band, type of music is due.
This information should be turned into me either by email or on a piece of paper.
Include the following:
9-26-2011- Rough drafts are to be shown to me for review.
*****If you miss any of the important dates, you will lose 10 points.*****
This information should be turned into me either by email or on a piece of paper.
Include the following:
- Team member names
- Period #
- Band name
- Music genre
- Decade concert takes place
- Team names of design team.
- Concert Date
- Venue
- City/State
- Time of event
9-26-2011- Rough drafts are to be shown to me for review.
*****If you miss any of the important dates, you will lose 10 points.*****
Naming your files: All files must be named as follows:
For example, say your names are John Smith & Jane Doe, and you are in 5th period, your file should be named:
Final: Upload final files onto the thumb drive.
Introduction to Graphics Communications
Project 2
“The Brand is Me”
Date Assigned: 8-26-2011
Date Due: 9-09-2011
Location: In class and at home
Possible points: 100
The purpose of this assignment is to for you to look at yourself as a “brand” through graphics. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.
You are a brand – You are surrounded by brands. You compete for work, for time, for money, for love and attention. How well you do in this very competitive environment depends – to a great deal – on how you are perceived. When someone thinks of your name, what do they think? Do not forget, this is a Graphics Communications, class. I want to see you use graphics to communicate your brand.
Your brand resides in the minds of others.
Answer each of the five major sections below.
1. Who am I? You are to look at yourself as a “brand”. List your achievements, key skills and attributes, education, and where you are right now.
2. How am I perceived? Ask friends (real friends) or family how they perceive you. This is important. Ask them what they like or don’t like about you. How is your answer to question one different from the interviews? What do they value most about you and who you are? YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A PASSING GRADE ON THIS ASSIGNMENT IF YOU DO NOT AT LEAST TWO INTERVIEWS.
3. What do I need to do to improve my brand? If you did not like what you found out in question 2, how can you make changes? Always refer back to the interviews you have had with your friends and family.
4. What does your brand fit? What do you envision for your career?
5. If I were a car, what brand/model would I be? Each of us looks at ourselves and our brand choices reflect our self-perception. Our car is usually one of the most important “brand statements” we make about ‘who we are’. You may answer 1) what kind of car would you be today or 2) what kind of car would be you in the future. Identify which choice you make and why.
Detailed Instructions:
· You may use a computer and in fact are encouraged to do so.
· While you are required to use graphics and images to convey the answers to the above questions, I would like at least one paragraph written for each section.
· Be creative, this is a design class.
· You can create your images yourself, copy and paste, cut them out of magazines, whatever you like. There are no rules on how you create or find the images, just make sure to include them.
· Include a cover page for the document
· Make the heading for each question either bold or somehow different from the text in each paragraph.
· During this time we will be learning Photoshop, you can use some of your time in class to work on the project.
· Final project must be either bound or stapled.
· Make sure to include your full name, period and date on the cover page.
Presenting Your Brand:
Each of you will be required to stand up in front of class and talk about your brand. You can either just talk about what you have created in your brand assignment or you can create additional graphics (posters, displays) to support your presentation. I will give you extra credit for a more detailed presentation, up to 10 extra points, which would increase your letter grade by one full grade!!