Spring Projects

1.06b - Elements and Principles of Design

Periods 3 Only

- Movie Poster Project -

Assignment: You will be working in teams of 4 or 5. You will be a design company hired by a group from Mr. kim's class to create a movie poster for their movie script.

There are 8 teams in Mr. Kim's class that are writing movie scripts. You will team up with them and following their direction, create a movie poster for their film. You will be required to turn in comps, roughs and final images.

Detailed Instructions:

Each screenwriting team will submit to me details of what they are looking for in their movie poster. They will also report back to me on the interaction between their team and yours. This will be part of your grade. The size of the poster and style will be determined by your 'client'.

1.06 - Elements and Principles of Design

Periods 1,2,4,5,6 Only

- Create a Tutorial -

Assignment: Your assignment is to create a tutorial based on what you have learned in this class.

Either on your own or in teams of up to four, create any tutorial you like that utilizes several of the tools and concepts we have learned in class. You will be turning in a final image of what the tutorial is supposed to create as well as a step-by-step instruction written in Microsoft Word.

-To create a tutorial that will be used by future students in the class. This assignment will test you on your ability to communicate and idea or a concept.

Detailed Instructions:
The tutorial can be anything you like. You can look for inspiration online or come up with your own idea. Feel free to utilize photography as well in your project. The size of the project is up to you, just make sure you keep track of all information as you will need to put this into the instructions you create.

Detailed File Saving Instructions:
Sine Google Docs has been slow here in the class I will be accepting the assignments on flash drives or via email to my email, b.woody@birminghamcharter.com.

1. You must create a Folder with the names and period number of the group members.
2. In this folder create another folder named the name of your tutorial - for example: Sunset Project
3. In this folder save the Word document and the final image.
4. If you are including images as part of your tutorial, create an image folder in your project folder to save the images.


Create a second language version of your tutorial. Your first should be in English but if you translate it into Spanish or any other language you will receive extra credit.

1.05 - Elements and Principles of Design

- Self-Portrait in Type -

Date Assigned:     3/19/2012
Date Due:              TBD

Assignment: Your assignment is to create 4 self-portraits using typographic characters (fonts).

Use the letters – which represent sounds – to illustrate your face, thinking about how your design reflects you as a designer. Think about your identity – your own identity – and study your face and its characteristics. Examine the forms of the typographic elements closely to determine what will represent you best.

-To create an awareness of the image of typography and to learn to use typography to communicate.

Detailed Instructions:
You can use any font and any symbol within that font as elements of your self-portrait. The color should only be in black and white and should be 8x10 inches at 72 dpi. You are to choose 4 different emotions and create a self portrait for each emotion. Each self-portrait should be on a single file. While you may rotate and scale the letters or symbols, you may not distort them.  If you do not have a picture of yourself to use, we will take a head shot of each of you so you can use it as a template for your self-portrait. When you are done, save your FINISHED file only into the Self-Portrait folder for your period. Your name and period number should also be on the bottom of each page.

Detailed File Saving Instructions:
When you are finished you will have 4 files to upload to Google. You MUST NAME THEM CORRECTLY in order to get credit for the exercise. Failure to name your files correctly will result in a ZERO.

The files must also be saved at JPEG files.

You files should be named following this template:


Here is my example for me in period 1:


No spaces, No capital letters. EXACTLY as above.


Because I know many of you need it. You can do a fifth portrait of a famous individual from history. Be sure to have that person's name on the bottom of the page as well as your name and period number.

The extra credit file should be saved as:



1.04 - Elements and Principles of Design

- The Magazine Advertisement -

Project Scenario: 
Working either solo or with a partner, you are to design a full color magazine add that sells a product. You will use the design principles from the book as your guide.

Due Date: 
Monday, February 13 - Created Folders due in Google Docs
Tuesday, February 21 - Rough drafts due in Google docs
Friday, March 2 - Final file due to Google Docs, 8.5" x 11", 72 DPI, Portrait

Project Objectives: To utilize the design principle Contrast to create interesting looking add that helps sell a product.
    • Photoshop
    • Camera
    • Green Screen
    • Google Docs*
    *Note, if you are new to the class this semester you will need to setup an account on Google in order to submit your work. To do this please send me an email to b.woody@birminghamcharter.com and I will send you a link to create your account. If you already have a google gmail account, email me from your gmail account.

    Detailed Instructions:

    You or your team are to pick a product to sell. For this product you will select an existing product small enough to be photographed on a table. Think of things like body lotion, drinks, shaving cream, etc.

    Create the following Google Folders:
    Create the following folders in the Magazine Add project folder for your class period.

    • Folder with your name(s)

    Inside this folder create three folders

    • Roughs
    • Final
    • Work Folder

    Thus it should look like this:

    Period 1
         |_ Magazine Add Project
                             |_ Your Name(s)
                                         |_ Roughs
                                         |_ Final
                                         |_ Work Folder


    Turning in your work:
    Your roughs and final should be saved as jpg files and should be 8.5 x 11 (portrait, not landscape), 72 DPI. You can save any other work, like your photoshop files, in your Work Folder. All work will be turned in to Google Docs. ****MAKE SURE THAT YOU DOUBLE CHECK THE FOLDERS TO SEE IF YOUR FILES ARE LOADED UP****

    All files MUST be named correctly:  firstname.lastname.period#.type. jpg

    Billy Woody, period 5 = billy.woody.5.rough.jpg


    1.03 - Elements and Principles of Design

    - CONTRAST -

    Project Scenario: 
    Using the design concept of Contrast, select some of the words and phrases from the Photoshop file below and rearrange them to create interesting examples of contrast. They do not need to make sense, we are looking for style, not substance.

    Due Date: 
    Wed. February 1 - Folders due in Google Docs
    Friday February 3 - Final file due in Google Docs

    Project Objectives: To utilize the design principle Contrast to create interesting looking copy that is appealing to the viewer.
      • Photoshop
      • Google Docs*
      *Note, if you are new to the class this semester you will need to setup an account on Google in order to submit your work. To do this please send me an email to b.woody@birminghamcharter.com and I will send you a link to create your account. If you already have a google gmail account, email me from your gmail account.

      Detailed Instructions:

      Download the following photoshop file and open it in photoshop.

      Photoshop File

      Open the file in Photoshop and create 5 new images that combine the text phrases from the downloaded file to create five new, contrasted images. Feel free to resize, scale, rotate, or outline the words. Keep it in black and white though. Your final images should be 5 x7, 72 DPI and saved as a jpeg. Below are some examples:

      Turning in your work:
      All files should be saved as jpg files and should be 5 x 7, 72 DPI. All work will be turned in to Google Docs. There is a new 2012 folder with the six periods listed. In each period is the Contrast Project folder. Place your completed documents in that folder by the end of class on Friday.

      All files MUST be named correctly:  firstname.lastname.period#.Project. jpg

      Billy Woody, period 5 = billy.woody.5.Contrast1.jpg
      Billy Woody, period 5 = billy.woody.5.Contrast2.jpg
      Billy Woody, period 5 = billy.woody.5.Contrast3.jpg
      Billy Woody, period 5 = billy.woody.5.Contrast4.jpg
      Billy Woody, period 5 = billy.woody.5.Contrast5.jpg


      1.02 - Elements and Principles of Design

      - EMPHASIS -

      Project Scenario: 
      Using Emphasis as your design element, re-design the following pages to make it more visually appealing.

      Due Date: 
      Monday, 1-30-2012, End of class

      Project Objectives: To utilize the design principle Emphasis in everyday documents to enhance their visual appeal and communicate the important elements of the piece.
        • Microsoft Word
        • Photoshop
        • Any word processing program
        • Google Docs*
        *Note, if you are new to the class this semester you will need to setup an account on Google in order to submit your work. To do this please send me an email to b.woody@birminghamcharter.com and I will send you a link to create your account. If you already have a google gmail account, email me from your gmail account.

        Detailed Instructions:

        Redesign following 3 documents to demonstrate your understanding of Emphasis in communicating the important information in each.



        Yard Sale

        Turning in your work:
        All work will be turned in to Google Docs. There is a new 2012 folder with the six periods listed. In each period is the Emphasis Project folder. Place your competed documents in that folder by the end of class on Thursday.

        All files MUST be named correctly:  firstname.lastname.period#.Project.doc

        Example: Billy Woody, period 5 = billy.woody.5.resume.doc


        1.01 - Elements and Principles Research

        Project Scenario: 
        Introducing you to the Elements and Principles of design.

        Due Date: 

        Project Objectives:Research and present information on the Elements and Principles of Design as defined in the classroom text, Basics of Design.
        • Research the Element and Principles of Art & Design as defined in the textbook Basics of Design. 
        • Create a Presentation that explains the Elements and Principles. 
        • Create one slide or image for each E&P. 
        • Images can be cut out of magazine, photographs, printed from the internet, or created by hand. 
        • Pencil/Poster-presentation board 
        • Microsoft Office (Optional) or equivalent software for word processing and Presentations 
        • Computers for access to network and internet 
        • If you are creating digital files, be sure that you always save to your network drive. This way, if something happens to your computer, the file will still be on the server (which is backed up for safety).
        • UNDERSTAND your principle or Element before creating the slide or square … This will help you make wise choices about how to design it.  
        • Make sure your slide conveys the right meaning of your term. 
        • Learn how to use GOOGLE. It’s a great search engine. 
        Presentation contains all the E&P’s and conveys each meaning clearly. Consistent design and example images of each E&P.