Friday, March 4, 2011

Back to Basics and New Classroom Rules

It seems that many of your have forgotten some of the basics of Photoshop. This has been evident by the performance of many of you on the last two quizzes. All of the tools used in the last two "photoshop Quizzes" have been tools we have worked with before (excluding those new students).

Thus, starting on Monday we will again go over the basics of Photoshop and how to use some of regular tools in the software.

Also, the cleanliness of the room has NOT gotten any better.

Because of this, the following rules are now in place and MUST be followed:

1. 10 minutes before the bell rings, all work must stop in class
2. All laptops must be placed back in the gray carts with their numbers facing out.
3. All trash must be picked up and removed from the tables and floors
4. When leaving all chairs must be pushed in under your desks
6. No More congregating, you MUST sit in your chair in front of your desk. No moving chairs anymore

I also may assign some seats in order to help some people who seem to always be distracted.

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